Paternal Ancestors

DNA Ancestry Test

Using the latest in genetic research from thousands of scientists world-wide we are now able to test specific areas of your DNA to give us a fascinating insight into your ancestors history. With our ancestry test we will know where they came from and where they traveled to over the past 150,000 years! Not only will you discover the birthplace of your ancestors using our DNA ancestry testing services, but the paths they took across unchartered territory and their unique discoveries, such as language, agriculture and tools which set them aside from others as they travelled from continent to continent over the course of human history.

Our Ancestry tests are most often used by people who:
  • Wonder about their ancestry - if they are of Northern European, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Native American, East Asian, South Asian or African descent.
  • Are adopted, or have adopted parents, and are curious about what their ancestry is.
  • Are curious about other cultural influences they may have. Want to increase and verify their family's historical information.
  • Want their paternal (Y) DNA profile to use in geneology and family matching.
  • Want their maternal (Mitochondrial DNA) profile to use in geneology and family matching.

Paternal Ancestors

DNA Ancestry Test A$ 228   

Men have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (the Y making them male). While women have two X chromosomes and no Y. It is the Y that is passed from father to son, to son, to son, etc...

Paternal Ancestors

Paternal DNA

The Paternal DNA (Y Chromosome DNA) is passed from father to son, to son, to son, etc. By looking at your Y chromosome we can evaluate where your great paternal ancestors originated from and where they are distributed in the world today.


Maternal Ancestors

DNA Ancestry Test A$ 228   

Men have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (the Y making them male). While women have two X chromosomes and no Y. It is the Y that is passed from father to son, to son, to son, etc...

Maternal Ancestors

Maternal DNA

Maternal DNA (Mitochondrial DNA) is passed only from your mother. So, by looking at the type of Mitochondrial DNA you have, we can see what your mother received from her mother...